Under the sky of Berlin we came up with the idea to develop perfect glasses for everyone.
What does HEADRIX offer?
HEADRIX offers 26 optical resp. sunglasses models, “Made in Germany” for you. Through a variety of customizations in color and size you will find your unique piece, which is perfectly adapted to you and then manufactured only for you. We pay attention to a perfect fit and a wearing comfort as well as to the environment. Because our innovative production leaves no waste. So that your glasses really belong to you, you can perpetuate your name on the inner surface of the temple. This interplay of industry, design and passion creates the unique item just for you! Whether you’re an office hero, rock star or Chuck Norris, you’ll find your perfect glasses here!
Who are we? Why are we doing this?
We are convinced that everyone deserves the right eyewear. People are at the center of our attention, whether in the development of the perfect fit or in the friendly contact with our customers. We love beautiful things and we love glasses. In addition, we have acquired a lot of knowledge through our long-term industry expertise and numerous conversations with the customers. With all the experience we are able to realize our vision.
Stanislav Gempel: Founder of HEADRIX
• he studied at the Technical University of Berlin and has many years of experience in the eyewear industry
• his vision: individual glasses customized by deploying the latest 3D printing technology
• important for him: sustainable production processes and best quality for an attractive price
• he works with a great team of developers and designers
Jana: Product Manager and Head of Sales at HEADRIX
• knows exactly what good glasses are made of
• she is Optician & Business Engineer and has a soft spot for design – and of course for glasses
• her desire is to create glasses that are very light and pleasant to wear, combined with a clear design
• the motto of her creative work: simple, beautiful, smart
Carmelo, Creative Director of Design Hoch Vier
• supports the team of HEADRIX with his special design
• the award-winning designer lost his heart to the eyewear industry
• he worked as an optometrist and after his design studies at the KISD (Köln International School of Design) designed for Prada, among others
• his inspiration? He loves what he does. The rest will come by itself
Jennifer, Marketing und PR Managerin von HEADRIX, hat sich in den letzten 10 Jahren in der Sportbranche schon mal gut warm gelaufen, um bei den Brillen den richtigen Durchblick zu bekommen. Sie ist totally Instagram addicted und könnte sich den ganzen Tag mit den Design und Fashion Bildern auf den Social Media Plattformen beschäftigen. Na wie gut, dass das zu ihren Aufgaben zählt.
Evgenia, Head of media design von HEADRIX, ist für das gesamte Erscheinungsbild des Unternehmens verantwortlich. Sie hat Mediendesign studiert und in den letzten 10 Jahren zahlreiche Projekte geleitet und umgesetzt. Evgenia ist Expertin in Corporate-, 3D-, Motion- und Web-Design und ist passionierte Fotografin, dabei liegt ihr Schwerpunkt auf Customer Experience und -Journey, was sie auch bei HEADRIX perfekt unter Beweis stellt.
HEADRIX – eyewear made for you